Research Projects

“Using Wikis to Empower Student Learning: Student and Instructor Perspectives” with Elizabeth Elzer and Dean Shaffer (ELI 2006)

“Teaching Learners to Take Charge of their Education: Small Pieces, Loosely Joined” with Martha Burtis and Jerry Slezak (ELI 2007)

RavenDesk: How is Your Economics Course like Your English Course?” with Patrick Gosseti-Murray John (ELI 2008)

“Engaging the Net Generation: Relearning Old Truths,” Keynote address, Manchester College, August 28, 2008.

“Using RSS Aggregation to Promote Quasi-Collaborative Learning” (ELI 2009)

Augmenting Teaching and Learning with Social Software

Quantitative Writing module for “Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics | A Source for Pedagogical Resources” project designed to make pedagogic resources more accessible to economists through the development of pedagogic modules.  This project was funded by NSF Award DUE #0817382, $497,953.  September 2008-August 2011.

“Teaching as Modeling Disciplinary Practice” (ELI 2010)

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