Kudos to @YouBreakIFix

This week is final exam week at UMW.  I’ve been grading essays and now exams for what seems like forever, certainly more than a week now.  On Tuesday evening, I sat down at my kitchen table to start grading intermediate theory exams.  I set up my MacBookAir and then poured myself a large (16pz) glass of water, which I set down on the coaster next to my laptop.  As I got up to get something else, I knocked the water glass over, spilling the contents on the keyboard of my laptop.  Judging from all the water I mopped up from the table and the floor, it didn’t *all* go into the computer, but still…  The laptop immediately went dark.

A lot of things went through my mind, only some of them repeatable.  I thought about how expensive it would be to replace my MacBook.  I wondered how/if I could recover my data. But most of all I wondered how I was going to reconstruct my grades for the entire semester for all my courses.  Before grades are due, early next week.

I immediately DM’d my go-to computer guy, Obi Wan Andy Rush, aka @rushaw.  He sent me to a very helpful {and hopeful) webpage.  As I did a little more research, I learned a few things:

  • Several people wrote that if I went to the Apple Store, the Apple folks would immediately want to replace the logic board, for $1200.
  • If I went to Best Buy, they would charge me $50 to tell me they couldn’t fix the laptop. That didn’t sound palatable to me.
  • I found several positive references to YouBreakIFix.com.  I called them and they confirmed that if they could resurrect my MacBook, the charge would be $200 + possibly more for parts, if necessary (e.g. a new battery).  But it they couldn’t fix the laptop, there would be no charge.  And they would do it within four days.

I took the laptop over yesterday and today they called me with the good news.  My MacBook was fixed and the charge was $204, including the sales tax.  YouBreakIFix was extremely professional and I highly recommend them for any computer repairs you need. They also fix cell phones.

The first thing I did was to email myself a copy of my grades spreadsheet.  The second thing was to order the external hard drive Andy recommended I get nearly a year ago.  I can’t believe how well this has worked out.

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