What Does School 2.0 Look Like?

David Warlick just published a provocative article in TechLearning called “A Day in the Life of Web 2.0” which provides a vision of what School 2.0 could look like. It’s similar to an earlier piece by Will Richardson. It also speaks to the future of higher education.

There was one discordant note as I was reading–it was a reaction I had, rather than anything the article said. I had an image of teachers being required to write blogs that reflect on their teaching practice; think of a mandate by the administration. I wonder if this would work. Unwilling teachers could be forced to write, but they couldn’t be forced to write well. A couple of mitigating factors come to mind: Hopefully, after writing for a while teachers would see the value of such a blog. But what if they don’t. Perhaps not everyone would benefit from such self-reflection or at least not from this format. Fortunately, blogs that weren’t well done, probably wouldn’t end up being read–that’s one advantage of the blogosphere.

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