Category Archives: Economics

Can you get something for nothing?

There is no question that higher education in 2020 is facing serious problems.  The proximate cause is the current Pandemic recession, which will lead to significant cutbacks in state support for public colleges & universities, and also serious decreases in … Continue reading

Posted in Economics, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Does poor nutrition cause the swine flu? (No)

I’m writing in response to Laura’s post here on a piece by Thomas Friedman.  Friedman’s piece reminds me of why I could never be a regular, on-a-schedule, blogger.  Because if I don’t have anything to say, I’d have to write … Continue reading

Posted in Economics, Teaching and Learning | 1 Comment

Teaching as Modeling Disciplinary Practice

Over the Christmas holidays last winter, as I began to plan for my Spring courses, it struck me that it was a truly fascinating time to study macroeconomics and finance.  Yes, I realize this is much like the neurosurgeon remarking … Continue reading

Posted in Assessment & Grading, Economics, Teaching and Learning, Wikis forTeaching/Learning | 6 Comments

Learning as Work vs. Play

A curious thing happened last Friday in my intro class. We have been studying the theory of the Firm and one of the themes I emphasis (which gets short shrift in the textbooks) is that successful firms are profitable precisely … Continue reading

Posted in Economics, Teaching and Learning | 3 Comments

Insights on Fanny & Freddie

This post interests me on several levels: the connected nature of media today; contemporary economic issues, specifically the difficulties being faced by Fanny Mae & Freddie Mac due to the mortgage market meltdown; and the issue of the market system … Continue reading

Posted in Blogging as a Teaching and Research Tool, Economics, What is Education? | 3 Comments

Is Economics Like Physics?

This is the question that a group of my colleagues, led by Mark Maier of Glenwood Community College (in California) and Scott Simpkins of North Carolina A&T University, have been exploring for the last three years. It is generally known … Continue reading

Posted in Economics, Teaching and Learning | 3 Comments

New Frontier in Economics

One of the new frontiers in economics is Behavioral Economics, for which Daniel Kahneman and Vernon Smith won the Nobel Prize in 2002. Here’s a thoughtful and funny video which describes behavioral economics in contrast to the more traditional neoclassical … Continue reading

Posted in Economics | Leave a comment

Chicken Little?

This post originated in a series of conversations I had over the holiday with my in-laws who were children of the Great Depression. But it’s also something I’ve thought about for a long time. The catalyst for posting probably came … Continue reading

Posted in Economics, First Year Seminar | 4 Comments

A Purer Version of Just-in-Time Teaching

Yesterday I set my alarm a little early to have enough time first thing in the morning to collect and sort the questions for Chapter 6. This was the first chapter that was beyond introductory material, so I wanted to … Continue reading

Posted in BigWiki, Economics, Teaching and Learning | Leave a comment

Be Careful What You Ask For

The dynamics of my macroeconomics course are quite different than in past years. I’ve alluded to this in previous posts. For one thing, I’m reading the text just slightly ahead of the students. I’m doing it that way to try … Continue reading

Posted in BigWiki, Economics, Teaching and Learning | 3 Comments