Category Archives: What is Education?

From Student-Teacher to Apprentice-Master?

A couple of students, Joe and Shannon, attended this year’s Faculty Academy, and generally hung out with the DTLT ‘Team’ and our outside speakers. Yesterday I heard that Joe was taking a course this summer with Angela, one of the … Continue reading

Posted in FA07, Teaching and Learning, What is Education? | 6 Comments

Part 3: Do you chew when you read?

The previous post was really a brief interlude. Let’s get back to the main thread. One of the things I learned in researching for my book is that all reading is not equal. I suppose I knew that, but I … Continue reading

Posted in Teaching and Learning, What is Education? | 6 Comments

Is learning a noun or a verb, Part 2

In the first post of this series I argued that learning is not merely the content of a text, lecture or other stimulus, but rather, what the student makes of that content. Here is perhaps a better example than the … Continue reading

Posted in Teaching and Learning, What is Education? | 1 Comment

Is learning a verb or a noun?

I am very, very behind in my blogging. Hopefully, I’ll get caught up over the next few weeks. I haven’t been able to reflect yet on last week’s Faculty Academy. I’m too afraid I’ll forget something if I do it … Continue reading

Posted in Teaching and Learning, What is Education? | 3 Comments

What’s Cool about Real School?

When I attend professional conferences I almost always learn a few things useful for my teaching and research. In fact, that’s my definition of a successful conference–”one in which I learn something useful. Maybe it’s the way my mind works, … Continue reading

Posted in Teaching and Learning, What is Education? | 4 Comments

Rethinking Grades and Learning

Is learning fundamentally a flow or a stock? Is learning about improving your skills and knowledge or about being skilled and knowledgeable? I ask these questions because often it appears to me that we’re grading what students know more than … Continue reading

Posted in First Year Seminar, Teaching and Learning, The Experiment, University 2.0, What is Education? | 6 Comments

(Real) Teaching is Hard

One of the underlying assumptions of my previous post was that teaching, real teaching (at least at the university level) is far more than just transmitting content. Laura’s recent post at Geeky Mom makes this clear: The thing that’s hard … Continue reading

Posted in Teaching and Learning, University 2.0, What is Education? | Leave a comment

What is Education?

Considering that we are on the eve of the new school year, Laura Blankenship has written a very timely post on the question: what is (higher?) education. Among the thoughts that most piqued my interest were the following: We may … Continue reading

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Higher Education as Disciplinary Practice

In the last post, I wrote about Derek Bok’s recent book. A minor theme of Bok is the tension in academia between content and skills. This manifests itself in a number of areas, but most prominently in the discussion of … Continue reading

Posted in Teaching and Learning, What is Education? | 1 Comment

Teaching as a Subversive Activity

I’ve just finished reading a powerful and provocative book, Neil Postman and Charles Weingartner’s Teaching as a Subversive Activity. (Inside joke: The book was recommended by one of the speakers at the First Year Seminar Teaching workshop. Can you guess … Continue reading

Posted in First Year Seminar, Teaching and Learning, What is Education? | 1 Comment